продавець: LAUGFS Europe B.V.
Нідерланди, Zevenaar, Mercurion 30


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620X420X480 / PON / LAUGFS STD / SM press on tire (PON) шина бандажная

620X420X480 / PON / LAUGFS STD / SM press on tire (PON) шина бандажная

620X420X480 / PON / LAUGFS STD / SM press on tire (PON) шина бандажная
232,00 EUR
за штуку
мінімум: 70
тільки опт
під замовлення
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Додати у кошик
Передзвоніть мені
UnconqueraЫe Performance! LAUGFS РОN TYRES offer an ad vanced process that permanently cross - link the rubber compound to the rim resulting in long lasting performance. Excellent wear strength and well balanced energy efficiency ensure protection for your investment whilst avoiding chunking in the most commanding applications. Note All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis Please add 25% for Non marking tires. ‘SUPER’ / ‘HD’ tires are available in Press - on. Price mark up will be 15% . Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments: - Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres; - Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres; - Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

UnconqueraЫe Performance!

LAUGFS РОN TYRES offer an ad vanced process that permanently cross - link the rubber compound to the rim resulting in long lasting performance. Excellent wear strength and well balanced energy efficiency ensure protection for your investment whilst avoiding chunking in the most commanding applications.


All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis

Please add 25% for Non marking tires.

‘SUPER’ / ‘HD’ tires are available in Press - on. Price mark up will be 15% .

Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer

Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications

In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments:

- Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres;

- Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres;

- Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

UnconqueraЫe Performance!

LAUGFS РОN TYRES offer an ad vanced process that permanently cross - link the rubber compound to the rim resulting in long lasting performance. Excellent wear strength and well balanced energy efficiency ensure protection for your investment whilst avoiding chunking in the most commanding applications.


All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis

Please add 25% for Non marking tires.

‘SUPER’ / ‘HD’ tires are available in Press - on. Price mark up will be 15% .

Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer

Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications

In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments:

- Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres;

- Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres;

- Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

LAUGFS LAUGFS • Артикул: 60000722

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