продавець: LAUGFS Europe B.V.
Нідерланди, Zevenaar, Mercurion 30


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4.00-8 3.00" / N / LUGSTER Runner 2LAYER STD BLACK / TR шина цельнолитая

4.00-8 3.00" / N / LUGSTER Runner 2LAYER STD BLACK / TR шина цельнолитая

4.00-8 3.00" / N / LUGSTER Runner 2LAYER STD BLACK / TR шина цельнолитая
34,84 EUR
за штуку
мінімум: 500
тільки опт
під замовлення
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Передзвоніть мені
Move with the best! LUGSTER Runner TYRES are designed to minimize vibration and noise. Objective is to maximize the safety while providing a comfortable ride. It delivers high wear performance resulting in long tyre life, additional hours usage, minimum down time and lower maintenance cost. Note All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis by 20" container Please add 5% for quick mounting tires and 25% for Non marking tires. Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments: - Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres; - Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres; - Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

Move with the best!

LUGSTER Runner TYRES are designed to minimize vibration and noise. Objective is to maximize the safety while providing a comfortable ride. It delivers high wear performance resulting in long tyre life, additional hours usage, minimum down time and lower maintenance cost.


All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis by 20" container

Please add 5% for quick mounting tires and 25% for Non marking tires.

Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer

Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications

In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments:

- Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres;

- Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres;

- Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

Move with the best!

LUGSTER Runner TYRES are designed to minimize vibration and noise. Objective is to maximize the safety while providing a comfortable ride. It delivers high wear performance resulting in long tyre life, additional hours usage, minimum down time and lower maintenance cost.


All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis by 20" container

Please add 5% for quick mounting tires and 25% for Non marking tires.

Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer

Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications

In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments:

- Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres;

- Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres;

- Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

LAUGFS LAUGFS • Артикул: 60001956

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