продавец: LAUGFS Europe B.V.
Нидерланды, Зевенар, Mercurion 30


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12.00-20 8.50" / N / LUGSTER Runner DUAL ASSE STD / TR шина цельнолитая (2 шины+ 2 диска)

12.00-20 8.50" / N / LUGSTER Runner DUAL ASSE STD / TR шина цельнолитая (2 шины+ 2 диска)

12.00-20 8.50" / N / LUGSTER Runner DUAL ASSE STD / TR шина цельнолитая (2 шины+ 2 диска)
1 522,68 EUR
за штуку
минимум: 70
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Ready For Anything! Dual AssemЫy tyres (Solid twin wheels) аге specially designed for excavators running оп waste and recycling locations. The assemЫy consists of а pair of tyres mounted оп rims with а spacer in between to avoid dual touching. This twin assemЫy provides superior life as well as resistance against damages and punctures. Note All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis Please add 5% for quick mounting tires Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments: - Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres; - Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres; - Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

Ready For Anything!

Dual AssemЫy tyres (Solid twin wheels) аге specially designed for excavators running оп waste and

recycling locations. The assemЫy consists of а pair of tyres mounted оп rims with а spacer in

between to avoid dual touching. This twin assemЫy provides superior life as well as resistance

against damages and punctures.


All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis

Please add 5% for quick mounting tires

Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer

Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications

In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments:

- Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres;

- Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres;

- Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

Ready For Anything!

Dual AssemЫy tyres (Solid twin wheels) аге specially designed for excavators running оп waste and

recycling locations. The assemЫy consists of а pair of tyres mounted оп rims with а spacer in

between to avoid dual touching. This twin assemЫy provides superior life as well as resistance

against damages and punctures.


All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis

Please add 5% for quick mounting tires

Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer

Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications

In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments:

- Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres;

- Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres;

- Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

LAUGFS LAUGFS • Артикул: 60004447

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